So I'm starting to get ready for Vegas. So far I've only cleaned my room but that is enough I think. Tomorrow I will pack most of my stuff and finish cleaning so I can come home to everything being clean.
I really need to move out so I can play online. I've hardly played this month at all. So depressing all the money I'm missing out on.... or saving.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Bad night at the woods. Dropped $380 and ran the sickest cooler in a 3 bet pot I've ever seen.
Guy opens to 10 folds to me on the button. I raise AA to 40 folds to him and he calls. Flop Ad Kd 10c, he checks and I decide shoving 180 in 80 (his whole stack) will look so bluffy here that he will call with some much worse. Then he snap calls with his QJ for the nuts against my second nuts and I brick out. Expert call pf sir.
Guy opens to 10 folds to me on the button. I raise AA to 40 folds to him and he calls. Flop Ad Kd 10c, he checks and I decide shoving 180 in 80 (his whole stack) will look so bluffy here that he will call with some much worse. Then he snap calls with his QJ for the nuts against my second nuts and I brick out. Expert call pf sir.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
One week
One week since my last post...... but one week till I leave for Vegas.
DMB was fun, but we got into a huge fight, there was 3 of us and 12 of them, and I caught the worst of it. My eye was swollen shut for a day and I was pretty banged up. Other then that it was a great time and I still had a blast despite the unfortunate ass whooping.
I'm heading to Foxwoods on Friday night. I think that will be good practice playing live since I will be stuck in a 3 day tournament of live poker, if I make it deep that is.
I cashed out money from Poker Stars after doing a transfer from FTP to a acquaintance who transfered me money on PS. The cash out to 13 hours to process and have me able to pick up my money at any MoneyGram facility. Bye Bye FTP, Hello Poker Stars.
Oh and I have a few backers who have bought some of my action in the event that I am playing. Looks like I'll have only 1k riding on myself.
DMB was fun, but we got into a huge fight, there was 3 of us and 12 of them, and I caught the worst of it. My eye was swollen shut for a day and I was pretty banged up. Other then that it was a great time and I still had a blast despite the unfortunate ass whooping.
I'm heading to Foxwoods on Friday night. I think that will be good practice playing live since I will be stuck in a 3 day tournament of live poker, if I make it deep that is.
I cashed out money from Poker Stars after doing a transfer from FTP to a acquaintance who transfered me money on PS. The cash out to 13 hours to process and have me able to pick up my money at any MoneyGram facility. Bye Bye FTP, Hello Poker Stars.
Oh and I have a few backers who have bought some of my action in the event that I am playing. Looks like I'll have only 1k riding on myself.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
So yeah I'm a huge luckbox. Once again near the WSOP time I get really lucky. I played in a big freeroll on Full Tilt on Sunday. It was sponsored by my rakeback affiliate, Raketherake. There was 964 people in the tournament. Only the top 4 places won anything, except this anything was a 5k WSOP package. 3k in cash and a 2k WSOP tournament ticket to event 48. I came in third. SHIP SHIP. So I had to change my flight around and I'm now going to be out there for 11 days. The flight change is going to cost me about 350$ which is annoying as hell but it's worth it. First place in the tournament will be around 700k. I'm hoping to go deep in it.
Right click on the picture and then use view image to see the full shot

I'll be at Dave Matthews Band concerts for the next 2 days so I'll post some pictures on Sunday.
Right click on the picture and then use view image to see the full shot
I'll be at Dave Matthews Band concerts for the next 2 days so I'll post some pictures on Sunday.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
2 months
Well I haven't posted here in forever. School kind of took control of me for a while. Poker was stagnant, I was working a lot, and had a ton of work for school so I didn't have much to really talk about.
School ended up ok. I bombed one final but ended up with a 3.58 overall so I made dean's list at least. I also was inducted into Delta Mu Delta, our business schools national honor society, this past semester. Should be a good resume booster.
Work has been good. I got a 50% raise (hourly) and have been working alot. We moved into a retail location and I now run the owners ebay business. I really like doing it and it's good experience.
Poker has been ok recently. I've been playing live at Mohegan Sun casino. They have electronic tables and the games are real soft. I've only been twice but am up 536 there. Also had a 39$ win at my last Foxwoods trip. It was a slow session to say the least. Online has been getting better. I have been playing on Poker Stars and I am up about three hundred over 3k hands. I like playing there much better then Full Tilt and the games are much softer.
Awesome post coming tomorrow. I'm such a luckbox =)
School ended up ok. I bombed one final but ended up with a 3.58 overall so I made dean's list at least. I also was inducted into Delta Mu Delta, our business schools national honor society, this past semester. Should be a good resume booster.
Work has been good. I got a 50% raise (hourly) and have been working alot. We moved into a retail location and I now run the owners ebay business. I really like doing it and it's good experience.
Poker has been ok recently. I've been playing live at Mohegan Sun casino. They have electronic tables and the games are real soft. I've only been twice but am up 536 there. Also had a 39$ win at my last Foxwoods trip. It was a slow session to say the least. Online has been getting better. I have been playing on Poker Stars and I am up about three hundred over 3k hands. I like playing there much better then Full Tilt and the games are much softer.
Awesome post coming tomorrow. I'm such a luckbox =)
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Still bad
I ended up down about $350 for march. It was a pretty bad run of cards overall. So I took the last few days in March off and relaxed from poker. I went to Mohegan sun though and tried out their new electronic poker tables. I really liked it and the play was just as bad. I ended up 200 in 2 hours.
I loaded up a session on Full Tilt last night and proceeded to lose about $400 in 364 hands. I am on such a bad streak and hopefully I get out of it soon. Thats all I can really say about poker right now.
Online 3375
I loaded up a session on Full Tilt last night and proceeded to lose about $400 in 364 hands. I am on such a bad streak and hopefully I get out of it soon. Thats all I can really say about poker right now.
Online 3375
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Chalk up another one
Last night and today were abysmal. I played 2500 hands and am down $450. So many coolers and suckouts and ridiculous calls I don't even want to get into it cause it's just going to make me more angry. I'm going to watch a few cardrunners videos tonight and look over my hands and do some analyzing.
So far I'm down about 400$ in March over 12k hands. ughhhhhhhhh
So far I'm down about 400$ in March over 12k hands. ughhhhhhhhh
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Poker was no fun last night. It seemed like every miracle card got there for someone. I made one retarded play that cost me a buy in, but overall played very well, and just ran really bad. It's tough sometimes to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you run bad because you just see the losses you have at the moment.
I dropped about 300$ in 900 hands last night, but made back 82$ today in 426 hands. I missed out on some value in a few spots, which I'm going to evaluate, then put in another session later.
Friday I'm going to R.I. to see some 2p2 friends and play poker all night and all day Saturday.
Online 4160
I dropped about 300$ in 900 hands last night, but made back 82$ today in 426 hands. I missed out on some value in a few spots, which I'm going to evaluate, then put in another session later.
Friday I'm going to R.I. to see some 2p2 friends and play poker all night and all day Saturday.
Online 4160
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patricks day
I haven't played since last Thursday night, until a few minutes ago. I got in 666 (uh oh) hands and made almost 100$. I think I played very well except for a few tricky spots that I plan on going over with my coach.
The coaching has been going well. The last time I was coached was last friday. Overall it was a pretty uneventful session. I got into one spot with AK suited where i honestly thought it was a fold, by my gut but went with it anyways, which in the long run will be fine and I ran into KK. Last Thursday was pretty abysmal, I ran very bad and ended up down about $350 during the day, but then made a little bit back before dusk, and by evening i was only down 200$ ( and tack on another 50 for the coaching session.
Since then I've been working and gone. I spent last Friday night in Manhattan with one of my friends, for a different friends birthday party. We went to 4 different bars around the city and partied a lot. By 330 am my friend I went with and I decided to get some late night food and called a girl Caitlin to make sure it was ok to stay at her place. She said it was fine and to call her when we were done eating. 4 am we call her and no answer. I try my friend Dave, whose birthday it was and no answer from him. We stood outside of a Duane Reade till 5am when I finally got in touch with my friend and we got to his place around 530 am. Bed by 6 on a hardwood floor, and woken up by 9 am by loud roommates. Oh well. We spent Saturday relaxing then hit up some bars down near Fulton street by the seaport. It was ok but I decided I wanted to come back to CT because I had to work in the morning so I left everyone around 630 pm and drove back home. Saturday night we went out to the bar my girlfriend works at and did some drinking there and then last call at another bar.
Needless to say I've done a decent amount of drinking this past weekend and I will not be going out tonight, even though it is my day. I'll save the fun for this upcoming weekend. I'm on spring break right now and I am working alot and will be getting a good amount of poker in as well.
Online 4360
The coaching has been going well. The last time I was coached was last friday. Overall it was a pretty uneventful session. I got into one spot with AK suited where i honestly thought it was a fold, by my gut but went with it anyways, which in the long run will be fine and I ran into KK. Last Thursday was pretty abysmal, I ran very bad and ended up down about $350 during the day, but then made a little bit back before dusk, and by evening i was only down 200$ ( and tack on another 50 for the coaching session.
Since then I've been working and gone. I spent last Friday night in Manhattan with one of my friends, for a different friends birthday party. We went to 4 different bars around the city and partied a lot. By 330 am my friend I went with and I decided to get some late night food and called a girl Caitlin to make sure it was ok to stay at her place. She said it was fine and to call her when we were done eating. 4 am we call her and no answer. I try my friend Dave, whose birthday it was and no answer from him. We stood outside of a Duane Reade till 5am when I finally got in touch with my friend and we got to his place around 530 am. Bed by 6 on a hardwood floor, and woken up by 9 am by loud roommates. Oh well. We spent Saturday relaxing then hit up some bars down near Fulton street by the seaport. It was ok but I decided I wanted to come back to CT because I had to work in the morning so I left everyone around 630 pm and drove back home. Saturday night we went out to the bar my girlfriend works at and did some drinking there and then last call at another bar.
Needless to say I've done a decent amount of drinking this past weekend and I will not be going out tonight, even though it is my day. I'll save the fun for this upcoming weekend. I'm on spring break right now and I am working alot and will be getting a good amount of poker in as well.
Online 4360
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I haven't put in too many hands in the past few days. I took Sunday off because of m beating on Saturday. After that I decided it was time to do something to take my game to the next level. I decided I'd hire a coach to teach me something new, and I've been playing way too tight and needed some help with that.
I had my first lesson last night with Orange from 2+2. His rates are 50$ an hour which is great considering for small stakes it can get up to $250 an hour. He really loosened my game up and pointed out some cool spots where I had been missing out on value. I ended up $250 from my 300 hand session with him. Then I played some more and ended up up $433 until I ran broadway into a flush, and QQ into KK twice. So I was up $170 for the day yesterday.
I played a 500 hand session today and made $140 and got rivered in one big pot where I held TPTK against a flush draw that hit on the river. We were all in on the flop.
Playing this looser style is great at these stakes because people get frustrated and want to play back at you. Also since people's fundamentals are so flawed we get the opportunity to play more hands against weaker players. It is tough at times though because by playing looser we are also playing with more marginal hands which can put us in tricky spots sometimes. But it's been good so far. I'm also looking into having another 2+2er coach me in the future. His rates are 100$ an hour so I will probably wait a week or so and see where I'm at with my game and bankroll before I book him.
Online 4299
I had my first lesson last night with Orange from 2+2. His rates are 50$ an hour which is great considering for small stakes it can get up to $250 an hour. He really loosened my game up and pointed out some cool spots where I had been missing out on value. I ended up $250 from my 300 hand session with him. Then I played some more and ended up up $433 until I ran broadway into a flush, and QQ into KK twice. So I was up $170 for the day yesterday.
I played a 500 hand session today and made $140 and got rivered in one big pot where I held TPTK against a flush draw that hit on the river. We were all in on the flop.
Playing this looser style is great at these stakes because people get frustrated and want to play back at you. Also since people's fundamentals are so flawed we get the opportunity to play more hands against weaker players. It is tough at times though because by playing looser we are also playing with more marginal hands which can put us in tricky spots sometimes. But it's been good so far. I'm also looking into having another 2+2er coach me in the future. His rates are 100$ an hour so I will probably wait a week or so and see where I'm at with my game and bankroll before I book him.
Online 4299
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Worst day to date
I ran like total SHIT today. -511$ in less than 1000 hands. Bad players got there everytime.
villains flop call is comical
Full Tilt Poker, $0.50/$1 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 6 Players Hand History Converter
SB: $99.50
Hero (BB): $108.10
UTG: $37.50
MP: $123.65
CO: $114.15
BTN: $104.75
Pre-Flop: 7h Jh dealt to Hero (BB)
UTG calls $1, MP calls $1, CO folds, BTN calls $1, SB calls $0.50, Hero checks
Flop: ($5) 5s 7c Jc (5 Players)
SB checks, Hero bets $4, UTG folds, MP raises to $16, 2 folds, Hero raises to $62, MP calls $46
Turn: ($129) 6c (2 Players)
Hero bets $45.10 and is All-In, MP calls $45.10
River: ($219.20) Td (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
Results: $219.20 Pot ($3 Rake)
Hero showed 7h Jh (two pair, Jacks and Sevens) and LOST (-$108.10 NET)
MP showed Tc Ac (a flush, Ace high) and WON $216.20 (+$108.10 NET)
I make a modest call down here but I think he takes a shot with lots of hands that have no showdown value because hes obv retarded after seeing his pf call
Full Tilt Poker, $0.50/$1 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 6 Players Hand History Converter
Hero (BTN): $100
SB: $103.60
BB: $180
UTG: $75.70
MP: $54.55
CO: $115.15
Pre-Flop: Ts Td dealt to Hero (BTN)
2 folds, CO raises to $3.50, Hero raises to $12, 2 folds, CO calls $8.50
Flop: ($25.50) 7h 8d Qd (2 Players)
CO checks, Hero checks
Turn: ($25.50) 5h (2 Players)
CO checks, Hero checks
River: ($25.50) 8c (2 Players)
CO bets $16, Hero calls $16
Results: $57.50 Pot ($2.85 Rake)
Hero mucked Ts Td (two pair, Tens and Eights) and LOST (-$28 NET)
CO showed 4h 6h (a straight, Eight high) and WON $54.65 (+$26.65 NET)
Not my standard line by any means but agains we can see the type of player he is and I do not expect him to be checking the turn back all that often. So maybe a little misplay by me, but not against his actual hand range.
Full Tilt Poker, $0.50/$1 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 6 Players Hand History Converter
UTG: $100
Hero (MP): $108.40
CO: $110.90
BTN: $108.35
SB: $142.05
BB: $31.30
Pre-Flop: Ks Ad dealt to Hero (MP)
UTG folds, Hero raises to $3.50, CO folds, BTN calls $3.50, 2 folds
Flop: ($8.50) Kh 6s 4d (2 Players)
Hero checks, BTN bets $6.80, Hero raises to $19, BTN calls $12.20
Turn: ($46.50) 6h (2 Players)
Hero checks, BTN checks
River: ($46.50) 2s (2 Players)
Hero bets $33, BTN raises to $85.85 and is All-In, Hero calls $52.85
Results: $218.20 Pot ($3 Rake)
Hero mucked Ks Ad (two pair, Kings and Sixes) and LOST (-$108.35 NET)
BTN showed 3h 5h (a straight, Six high) and WON $215.20 (+$106.85 NET)
Oh, hey, why dont you just pick up an extra 6 outs on the turn, as if any one of my hands can win tonight.
Full Tilt Poker, $0.50/$1 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 6 Players Hand History Converter
Hero (CO): $100
BTN: $38.05
SB: $20.50
BB: $49.70
UTG: $120.35
MP: $147.10
Pre-Flop: 2d 2c dealt to Hero (CO)
UTG folds, MP raises to $3.50, Hero calls $3.50, BTN calls $3.50, SB folds, BB calls $2.50
Flop: ($14.50) 2s 6h 8h (4 Players)
BB checks, MP bets $12, Hero raises to $38, 2 folds, MP raises to $143.60 and is All-In, Hero calls $58.50 and is All-In
Turn: ($207.50) 7c (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
River: ($207.50) 4h (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
Results: $207.50 Pot ($3 Rake)
Hero showed 2d 2c (three of a kind, Twos) and LOST (-$100 NET)
MP showed 5h Ah (a flush, Ace high) and WON $204.50 (+$104.50 NET)
Short Stack fun, they hit good.
Full Tilt Poker, $0.50/$1 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 6 Players Hand History Converter
MP: $187.50
CO: $105
BTN: $146.10
Hero (SB): $100
BB: $13.15
UTG: $100
Pre-Flop: Jh Js dealt to Hero (SB)
4 folds, Hero raises to $3.50, BB raises to $13.15 and is All-In, Hero calls $9.65
Flop: ($26.30) 6s 6d 4d (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
Turn: ($26.30) 9s (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
River: ($26.30) Ah (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
Results: $26.30 Pot ($1.30 Rake)
Hero showed Jh Js (two pair, Jacks and Sixes) and LOST (-$13.15 NET)
BB showed As 5d (two pair, Aces and Sixes) and WON $25 (+$11.85 NET)
More short stack fun, now this time my money goes in behind, but lo and behold, I roll off the ace for once tonight.
Full Tilt Poker, $0.50/$1 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 4 Players Hand History Converter
BTN: $165.70
SB: $73.85
BB: $14.05
Hero (UTG): $112
Pre-Flop: Qd Ah dealt to Hero (UTG)
Hero raises to $3.50, BTN folds, SB calls $3, BB raises to $14 and is All-In, Hero raises to $34, SB folds, BB calls $0.05 and is All-In
Flop: ($31.60) Ad Jc Jh (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
Turn: ($31.60) Qc (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
River: ($31.60) 2d (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
Results: $31.60 Pot ($1.55 Rake)
BB showed Qh Qs (a full house, Queens full of Jacks) and WON $30.05 (+$16 NET)
Hero showed Qd Ah (two pair, Aces and Queens) and LOST (-$14.05 NET)
More short stack excitement.
Full Tilt Poker, $0.50/$1 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 5 Players Hand History Converter
Hero (UTG): $100
CO: $38
BTN: $108
SB: $123.05
BB: $41.80
Pre-Flop: Kh Kd dealt to Hero (UTG)
Hero raises to $3.50, CO calls $3.50, 2 folds, BB calls $2.50
Flop: ($11) Qs 7s 3h (3 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets $8.50, CO raises to $17, BB folds, Hero raises to $62, CO calls $17.50 and is All-In
Turn: ($80) Jc (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
River: ($80) 3s (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
Results: $80 Pot ($3 Rake)
Hero showed Kh Kd (two pair, Kings and Threes) and LOST (-$38 NET)
CO showed 3c 3d (four of a kind, Threes) and WON $77 (+$39 NET)
Im going to change up the format for the next hand because when it gets all in is when we actually see the hand the other person has. I swear I almost threw my laptop out the window.
Full Tilt Poker, $0.50/$1 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 6 Players Hand History Converter
MP: $99
CO: $110.75
BTN: $97.50
SB: $57.10
BB: $139.10
Hero (UTG): $118.45
Pre-Flop: Kd Qd dealt to Hero (UTG)
Hero raises to $3.50, 3 folds, SB calls $3, BB folds
Flop: ($8) Qs Qh 6s (2 Players)
SB checks, Hero bets $5.50, SB raises to $11, Hero raises to $33, SB raises to $53.60 and is All-In, Hero calls $20.60
SB showed Qc 9h
Hero showed Kd Qd
Turn: ($115.20) 9c (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
River: ($115.20) Ks (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
I would have flipped my shit if that K didn't hit
Results: $115.20 Pot ($3 Rake)
SB showed Qc 9h (a full house, Queens full of Nines) and LOST (-$57.10 NET)
Hero showed Kd Qd (a full house, Queens full of Kings) and WON $112.20 (+$55.10 NET)
yeah go fuck yourself FTP.
villains flop call is comical
Full Tilt Poker, $0.50/$1 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 6 Players Hand History Converter
SB: $99.50
Hero (BB): $108.10
UTG: $37.50
MP: $123.65
CO: $114.15
BTN: $104.75
Pre-Flop: 7h Jh dealt to Hero (BB)
UTG calls $1, MP calls $1, CO folds, BTN calls $1, SB calls $0.50, Hero checks
Flop: ($5) 5s 7c Jc (5 Players)
SB checks, Hero bets $4, UTG folds, MP raises to $16, 2 folds, Hero raises to $62, MP calls $46
Turn: ($129) 6c (2 Players)
Hero bets $45.10 and is All-In, MP calls $45.10
River: ($219.20) Td (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
Results: $219.20 Pot ($3 Rake)
Hero showed 7h Jh (two pair, Jacks and Sevens) and LOST (-$108.10 NET)
MP showed Tc Ac (a flush, Ace high) and WON $216.20 (+$108.10 NET)
I make a modest call down here but I think he takes a shot with lots of hands that have no showdown value because hes obv retarded after seeing his pf call
Full Tilt Poker, $0.50/$1 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 6 Players Hand History Converter
Hero (BTN): $100
SB: $103.60
BB: $180
UTG: $75.70
MP: $54.55
CO: $115.15
Pre-Flop: Ts Td dealt to Hero (BTN)
2 folds, CO raises to $3.50, Hero raises to $12, 2 folds, CO calls $8.50
Flop: ($25.50) 7h 8d Qd (2 Players)
CO checks, Hero checks
Turn: ($25.50) 5h (2 Players)
CO checks, Hero checks
River: ($25.50) 8c (2 Players)
CO bets $16, Hero calls $16
Results: $57.50 Pot ($2.85 Rake)
Hero mucked Ts Td (two pair, Tens and Eights) and LOST (-$28 NET)
CO showed 4h 6h (a straight, Eight high) and WON $54.65 (+$26.65 NET)
Not my standard line by any means but agains we can see the type of player he is and I do not expect him to be checking the turn back all that often. So maybe a little misplay by me, but not against his actual hand range.
Full Tilt Poker, $0.50/$1 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 6 Players Hand History Converter
UTG: $100
Hero (MP): $108.40
CO: $110.90
BTN: $108.35
SB: $142.05
BB: $31.30
Pre-Flop: Ks Ad dealt to Hero (MP)
UTG folds, Hero raises to $3.50, CO folds, BTN calls $3.50, 2 folds
Flop: ($8.50) Kh 6s 4d (2 Players)
Hero checks, BTN bets $6.80, Hero raises to $19, BTN calls $12.20
Turn: ($46.50) 6h (2 Players)
Hero checks, BTN checks
River: ($46.50) 2s (2 Players)
Hero bets $33, BTN raises to $85.85 and is All-In, Hero calls $52.85
Results: $218.20 Pot ($3 Rake)
Hero mucked Ks Ad (two pair, Kings and Sixes) and LOST (-$108.35 NET)
BTN showed 3h 5h (a straight, Six high) and WON $215.20 (+$106.85 NET)
Oh, hey, why dont you just pick up an extra 6 outs on the turn, as if any one of my hands can win tonight.
Full Tilt Poker, $0.50/$1 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 6 Players Hand History Converter
Hero (CO): $100
BTN: $38.05
SB: $20.50
BB: $49.70
UTG: $120.35
MP: $147.10
Pre-Flop: 2d 2c dealt to Hero (CO)
UTG folds, MP raises to $3.50, Hero calls $3.50, BTN calls $3.50, SB folds, BB calls $2.50
Flop: ($14.50) 2s 6h 8h (4 Players)
BB checks, MP bets $12, Hero raises to $38, 2 folds, MP raises to $143.60 and is All-In, Hero calls $58.50 and is All-In
Turn: ($207.50) 7c (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
River: ($207.50) 4h (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
Results: $207.50 Pot ($3 Rake)
Hero showed 2d 2c (three of a kind, Twos) and LOST (-$100 NET)
MP showed 5h Ah (a flush, Ace high) and WON $204.50 (+$104.50 NET)
Short Stack fun, they hit good.
Full Tilt Poker, $0.50/$1 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 6 Players Hand History Converter
MP: $187.50
CO: $105
BTN: $146.10
Hero (SB): $100
BB: $13.15
UTG: $100
Pre-Flop: Jh Js dealt to Hero (SB)
4 folds, Hero raises to $3.50, BB raises to $13.15 and is All-In, Hero calls $9.65
Flop: ($26.30) 6s 6d 4d (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
Turn: ($26.30) 9s (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
River: ($26.30) Ah (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
Results: $26.30 Pot ($1.30 Rake)
Hero showed Jh Js (two pair, Jacks and Sixes) and LOST (-$13.15 NET)
BB showed As 5d (two pair, Aces and Sixes) and WON $25 (+$11.85 NET)
More short stack fun, now this time my money goes in behind, but lo and behold, I roll off the ace for once tonight.
Full Tilt Poker, $0.50/$1 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 4 Players Hand History Converter
BTN: $165.70
SB: $73.85
BB: $14.05
Hero (UTG): $112
Pre-Flop: Qd Ah dealt to Hero (UTG)
Hero raises to $3.50, BTN folds, SB calls $3, BB raises to $14 and is All-In, Hero raises to $34, SB folds, BB calls $0.05 and is All-In
Flop: ($31.60) Ad Jc Jh (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
Turn: ($31.60) Qc (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
River: ($31.60) 2d (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
Results: $31.60 Pot ($1.55 Rake)
BB showed Qh Qs (a full house, Queens full of Jacks) and WON $30.05 (+$16 NET)
Hero showed Qd Ah (two pair, Aces and Queens) and LOST (-$14.05 NET)
More short stack excitement.
Full Tilt Poker, $0.50/$1 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 5 Players Hand History Converter
Hero (UTG): $100
CO: $38
BTN: $108
SB: $123.05
BB: $41.80
Pre-Flop: Kh Kd dealt to Hero (UTG)
Hero raises to $3.50, CO calls $3.50, 2 folds, BB calls $2.50
Flop: ($11) Qs 7s 3h (3 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets $8.50, CO raises to $17, BB folds, Hero raises to $62, CO calls $17.50 and is All-In
Turn: ($80) Jc (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
River: ($80) 3s (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
Results: $80 Pot ($3 Rake)
Hero showed Kh Kd (two pair, Kings and Threes) and LOST (-$38 NET)
CO showed 3c 3d (four of a kind, Threes) and WON $77 (+$39 NET)
Im going to change up the format for the next hand because when it gets all in is when we actually see the hand the other person has. I swear I almost threw my laptop out the window.
Full Tilt Poker, $0.50/$1 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 6 Players Hand History Converter
MP: $99
CO: $110.75
BTN: $97.50
SB: $57.10
BB: $139.10
Hero (UTG): $118.45
Pre-Flop: Kd Qd dealt to Hero (UTG)
Hero raises to $3.50, 3 folds, SB calls $3, BB folds
Flop: ($8) Qs Qh 6s (2 Players)
SB checks, Hero bets $5.50, SB raises to $11, Hero raises to $33, SB raises to $53.60 and is All-In, Hero calls $20.60
SB showed Qc 9h
Hero showed Kd Qd
Turn: ($115.20) 9c (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
River: ($115.20) Ks (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
I would have flipped my shit if that K didn't hit
Results: $115.20 Pot ($3 Rake)
SB showed Qc 9h (a full house, Queens full of Nines) and LOST (-$57.10 NET)
Hero showed Kd Qd (a full house, Queens full of Kings) and WON $112.20 (+$55.10 NET)
yeah go fuck yourself FTP.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Some O.K. poker
Yesterday was my worst in a long time. I started off the day on a 3.5 buy in downswing. Since I'm pretty tight that doesn't happen all that often to me. I had straights hit on me 4 times when I held big hands (AA, KK, KK with top set, and KJ with top pair). This is going to happen which is fine but then I missed out on 4 sets, 2 because I folded to a short stacks open raise because it's not profitable to call given their stack size, and 2 because the pots were 3b preflop and I couldn't call. 1 of those sets turned into quads and the other players got it all in. Also folded a KQ from the SB when I completed with an UTG limper and a very tight player from the BB raised with his AK. The loose guy UTG with 67 calls his stack off on a QQ7Q2 board and the BB just bet every street. >=0 very very frustrating but I still made the correct plays and the short term results don't matter because I made the correct long term plays. I played a session at night where I made back 200$ which helped out the cause.
Today was good. I started off by making half a buy in in about 225 hands this afternoon, but got a parking ticket in the process because my meter ran out. Damn downtown Hartford. Then I played another session after my second class tonight and I won a few big hands. I had one guy bluff shove the river with 77 on a 886 10 Q board into my AA. Then on the same table about 45 mins later I get involved in a big hand with a guy who's deep stacked and pretty bad too. Action folds to the cut off who is 24/21/5 over 800 hands and he raises. I know his range is wide and I have position on the button and decide to 3 bet him with 8s7s. The marginal player is 30/20/2 in the SB and flat calls my 3 bets. he plays very random and is overall a weak player. As I assumed the good player folded but I'm a little worried about the 3 bet cold call from the SB.
Flop (27$) 10s 9s 4c
Beautiful, open ended straight flush draw. SB checks I think and bet 21$ he calls fairly quickly and I think he has a very big hand now, an overpair at worst or AQ of spades.
Turn (69$) 6d
MONEY I have the nuts I want to protect my hand against a draw but I really think that's such a small portion of his range here and that he actually has a big hand that he is not folding. I'd expect him to play a big flush draw faster then this.
SB checks I bet 63$ he calls very quickly
River (195$) 5h
Still got the nuts and my stack isn't much compared to the pot. He checks, and I take some time before shoving my last 91$ and change which he snap calls.
Showdown Pot (376$)
Me: the nuts
ship it.
So I ended up up 311$ after I cleared 10$ in bonus for the day. March has been swingy with my big loss yesterday and big win today.
Online 4334
Today was good. I started off by making half a buy in in about 225 hands this afternoon, but got a parking ticket in the process because my meter ran out. Damn downtown Hartford. Then I played another session after my second class tonight and I won a few big hands. I had one guy bluff shove the river with 77 on a 886 10 Q board into my AA. Then on the same table about 45 mins later I get involved in a big hand with a guy who's deep stacked and pretty bad too. Action folds to the cut off who is 24/21/5 over 800 hands and he raises. I know his range is wide and I have position on the button and decide to 3 bet him with 8s7s. The marginal player is 30/20/2 in the SB and flat calls my 3 bets. he plays very random and is overall a weak player. As I assumed the good player folded but I'm a little worried about the 3 bet cold call from the SB.
Flop (27$) 10s 9s 4c
Beautiful, open ended straight flush draw. SB checks I think and bet 21$ he calls fairly quickly and I think he has a very big hand now, an overpair at worst or AQ of spades.
Turn (69$) 6d
MONEY I have the nuts I want to protect my hand against a draw but I really think that's such a small portion of his range here and that he actually has a big hand that he is not folding. I'd expect him to play a big flush draw faster then this.
SB checks I bet 63$ he calls very quickly
River (195$) 5h
Still got the nuts and my stack isn't much compared to the pot. He checks, and I take some time before shoving my last 91$ and change which he snap calls.
Showdown Pot (376$)
Me: the nuts
ship it.
So I ended up up 311$ after I cleared 10$ in bonus for the day. March has been swingy with my big loss yesterday and big win today.
Online 4334
Monday, March 3, 2008
Solid day
My poker day started out bad. I got sucked out on with AA againts 74 that turned trips on a 345 flop 4 turn for a buy in. But I made a nice comeback and netted 166$ over 802 hands.
School however sucked. I got an exam back that I thought I did well on and ended up getting a 79 on it. Really pissed me off since I'm a National Honor student and all now. Guess I'll just have to study harder for the next one and make sure I do really well on it.
Tomorrow I have tons of studying and work to do for school so poker will be limited.
School however sucked. I got an exam back that I thought I did well on and ended up getting a 79 on it. Really pissed me off since I'm a National Honor student and all now. Guess I'll just have to study harder for the next one and make sure I do really well on it.
Tomorrow I have tons of studying and work to do for school so poker will be limited.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Bad start to the month
Got about 730 hands in last night, ended up down 50$. I wasn't too happy with my play in a few spots, but I got my money in very good for a loss of 150 in 2 big hands that hit the river on me. I had some real bad players at my tables but they played back at me a lot and I played very passive, which I'm very displeased about.
I'm going to try and get around 1000 hands in tonight along with a ton of laundry.
I'm going to try and get around 1000 hands in tonight along with a ton of laundry.
Friday, February 29, 2008
So 2 weekends ago I booked another trip out to Vegas. I'll be back out there with 2 friends from R.I. who I met through twoplustwo. Were staying at the Luxor again. I enjoyed it there last year except for the walks from casino to casino. We'll be out there for 9 days and with round trip flight it was only 1042 per person, plus one friend has his own flight so is giving us 150 each making our total cost a little under 900$ for the trip.
I'll be out there June 28th till July 7th. I can't wait to go. One thing I'm really looking forward to doing out there is shooting some guns. There is a huge gun range in Vegas and you can shoot a bunch of different guns. I'm most looking forward to an Uzi and M-16.
I'd love to grind tonight but I told myself no poker tonight, plus the girlfriend is sick so I'm going to go make her some soup and watch a movie.
Tomorrow I'm looking to put in about 2000 hands
I'll be out there June 28th till July 7th. I can't wait to go. One thing I'm really looking forward to doing out there is shooting some guns. There is a huge gun range in Vegas and you can shoot a bunch of different guns. I'm most looking forward to an Uzi and M-16.
I'd love to grind tonight but I told myself no poker tonight, plus the girlfriend is sick so I'm going to go make her some soup and watch a movie.
Tomorrow I'm looking to put in about 2000 hands
Thursday, February 28, 2008
More of the way too long syndrome
School has been bogging me down, along with work and poker. This is teh first month I've really decided to grind out some hands. I made an effort to play around 4 tables at all times because I wanted to hit 15000 hands this month. I made it to about 11k with moderate at best results. I'm pretty happy with the way I played but I have realized my game has much room for improvement. I made 728$ this month plus $170 in rakeback so all in all not too bad of a month. My sessions have usually been around an hour to an hour and a half long of 4 tabling when I have been playing. I averaged around 17$ an hour and with rakeback its a little closer to 20$ an hour. Not too shabby and if I could just stop spewing in some marginal spots my winrate would jump through the roof. I ran 17/14/6 which I think are great stats for 100NL.
Heres a graph of this month.

also add in $248 from foxwoods making about 1150$ this month. Hopefully next month will be better. I'm not 100% happy with my play this month so I am going to play a few thousand more hands at 100NL before jumping back up to 200NL.
I received a letter from my school this past week telling me I'm being inducted into Delta Mu Delta which is the National Honor Society for Business students. You have to be in the top 10% at your school and that's me so ship it.
I have an awesome post for tomorrow to talk about the summer.
edit: click on the graphs to see the full thing. blogger is cutting out 1/3 of the graphy because its too big, same thing with the previous post with graphs
Heres a graph of this month.
also add in $248 from foxwoods making about 1150$ this month. Hopefully next month will be better. I'm not 100% happy with my play this month so I am going to play a few thousand more hands at 100NL before jumping back up to 200NL.
I received a letter from my school this past week telling me I'm being inducted into Delta Mu Delta which is the National Honor Society for Business students. You have to be in the top 10% at your school and that's me so ship it.
I have an awesome post for tomorrow to talk about the summer.
edit: click on the graphs to see the full thing. blogger is cutting out 1/3 of the graphy because its too big, same thing with the previous post with graphs
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Too long
Sorry it's been so long since an update. Poker was miserable for a while so I took a break. Just looking at this blog made me mad which is why I didn't update for a while. I took off about 10 days total and didn't play at all. My first session back was pretty poor results wise but I felt I played pretty good poker. I did spew off about 75$ on 2 bluffs thats pointless and I ended up down about 180. The last night I made 290. I played pretty well but was down about a buyin then went on a heater and won a few stacks pretty quickly. Today I made 43$.
I've played about 2k hands in the past 3 days which I want to keep consistent. My gold is to have around 10k online by the end of June.
Live poker roll is busted. I don't even feel like discussing it because it makes me mad. Called down by underpairs, set over set, you name it it happened.
online 3387
I've played about 2k hands in the past 3 days which I want to keep consistent. My gold is to have around 10k online by the end of June.
Live poker roll is busted. I don't even feel like discussing it because it makes me mad. Called down by underpairs, set over set, you name it it happened.
online 3387
Sunday, January 20, 2008
So here are my graphs of recent.
First my shot at 200NL gone all wrong.

And this is my 100NL since Jan 1st

Needless to say I've been running pretty poor lately but it seems to be on the upswing soon.
Iwent to Foxwoods for 2 days this weekend and ran horrid on the first day but well in a few big pots the second day and ended up 40$ for the trip.
First my shot at 200NL gone all wrong.
And this is my 100NL since Jan 1st
Needless to say I've been running pretty poor lately but it seems to be on the upswing soon.
Iwent to Foxwoods for 2 days this weekend and ran horrid on the first day but well in a few big pots the second day and ended up 40$ for the trip.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Poker is fun
So pokers been pretty miserable lately. I played a session yesterday and after 513 hands I was up $14.85. I was stuck about 200 at one point but hit a few hands right towards the end to make it all back. I'm getting stuck in some nasty spots and keep running big hands into bigger ones.
Check out this post to see some of my hands. They aren't all 100% perfectly played and I did spew off a little equity at times but everything made sense at the time and I did someone for a reason in every situation.
Tha's pretty much where I stand right now. I'll post a graph of January so far, as well as my first shot at 200NL, and I'll post some hands from 200NL as well.
Check out this post to see some of my hands. They aren't all 100% perfectly played and I did spew off a little equity at times but everything made sense at the time and I did someone for a reason in every situation.
Tha's pretty much where I stand right now. I'll post a graph of January so far, as well as my first shot at 200NL, and I'll post some hands from 200NL as well.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Worst run I've ever had
I'm running so bad right now, hence the lack of updates. Everytime I think about making a post about poker I want to puke. I put together a nice win +150 then get KK all in against AQ and guy flops an A. 2 hands later I get QQ AI on a J high flop against KK so I end up down 62. I play later and go on a nice run and end up up 230 for the day. Then I run another session and I run KK and QQ into AA and miss a 12 out twice draw for a buyin all within 300 hands and I drop 450$. I'm down 200 for the day and I'm in cooler hell. online is at 2683 now, and I'm down like $2200 between live and online.
Fuck poker
Fuck poker
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
We went riding again today. We went to a ski village called Villars. It was much better then portes du soleil, which was the first place we went to. Villars was much smaller and less steep. The trails also were groomed which made the riding much easier. Hitting big snow mounds and needing to carve didn't work too well for me the first day we went. Needless to say I had a blast today.
I was way too pooped to play any poker last night and as much as I want to get a session in right now I'm pretty exhausted from the day out so I think I'll be waiting until I get back to Ct to play any poker. Plus playing in Swizterland at 10pm it's only 4 pm EST and the games aren't nearly as good as they are at night time.
I finally got my grades last night. A, A-, A-, B. Ship it dean's list 4 semesters in a row. I really hope I can graduate cum laude.
I was way too pooped to play any poker last night and as much as I want to get a session in right now I'm pretty exhausted from the day out so I think I'll be waiting until I get back to Ct to play any poker. Plus playing in Swizterland at 10pm it's only 4 pm EST and the games aren't nearly as good as they are at night time.
I finally got my grades last night. A, A-, A-, B. Ship it dean's list 4 semesters in a row. I really hope I can graduate cum laude.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy new years
The past few days have been pretty non stop for me. We took the train up to Zweissman, which wasn't as far as Interlaken but it was an amazing ride. We stopped and had lunch in the town then headed back home. Then we had dinner shortly after and started drinking. We tried to go to Lausanne for the night but couldn't find a bar that was open that we wanted to go to since it was a Sunday night. We headed back to Montreux and ended up at a bar down there. Good times.
Last night we spent the night in Geneva for new years. It was awesome and we had a great hotel. They set us up with dinner at an awesome restaurant and we had raclette, which is like fondue, and pasta and fish. We then started to drink alot after dinner and went to the party for new years in old town of Geneva. There were probably about 500 people in the small area we were in and after midnight people started popping champagne everywhere. Of course I had a bottle of Moet as well. Then,, unfortunatley after we were leaving we realized Melissa's wallet was gone out of her bag. She lost about 300$, her credit cards, and license.
Today has been a mellow day and later will be some poker, 100NL unfortunately.
Last night we spent the night in Geneva for new years. It was awesome and we had a great hotel. They set us up with dinner at an awesome restaurant and we had raclette, which is like fondue, and pasta and fish. We then started to drink alot after dinner and went to the party for new years in old town of Geneva. There were probably about 500 people in the small area we were in and after midnight people started popping champagne everywhere. Of course I had a bottle of Moet as well. Then,, unfortunatley after we were leaving we realized Melissa's wallet was gone out of her bag. She lost about 300$, her credit cards, and license.
Today has been a mellow day and later will be some poker, 100NL unfortunately.
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