The past few days have been pretty non stop for me. We took the train up to Zweissman, which wasn't as far as Interlaken but it was an amazing ride. We stopped and had lunch in the town then headed back home. Then we had dinner shortly after and started drinking. We tried to go to Lausanne for the night but couldn't find a bar that was open that we wanted to go to since it was a Sunday night. We headed back to Montreux and ended up at a bar down there. Good times.
Last night we spent the night in Geneva for new years. It was awesome and we had a great hotel. They set us up with dinner at an awesome restaurant and we had raclette, which is like fondue, and pasta and fish. We then started to drink alot after dinner and went to the party for new years in old town of Geneva. There were probably about 500 people in the small area we were in and after midnight people started popping champagne everywhere. Of course I had a bottle of Moet as well. Then,, unfortunatley after we were leaving we realized Melissa's wallet was gone out of her bag. She lost about 300$, her credit cards, and license.
Today has been a mellow day and later will be some poker, 100NL unfortunately.