So I wake up the next morning pretty early, (shocked at how I did that) and I make a few phone calls to some friends and let them know about the amazing time I had that night.
I know some people from 2+2 who are going to be out in Vegas this week so I get in touch with a few of them. They say they are going to play some cards over at MGM. I gladly ablige and meet them over there.
On the way over i find this beauty out in the MGM parking lot. Maybach Benz
I hop into a 1-2NL game, and proceed to find every possible 2 in a deck of cards my entire time while playing. I think standard vegas deck have 16 2s in them. So yeah, I run pretty cold and end up down a hundred for the session, which isn't bad considering how poor I was running. But calling down correctly with middle pairs, ace high, and folding KK to someones boat helped me minimize my losses. I felt that I played great poker but sometimes playing your best just isn't enough. After about 10 hours of play I'm pretty beat and decide to call it a night.
Thursday is the gaming and life expo at the Rio where CR has a booth set up where you can meet the pros and learn about the company. The guys tell me to meet up with them over there so I head to the Rio around 1pm. I stop by the booth and say hi, but all I really have on my mind is getting some solid grinding in.
I head over to the poker room at the Rio. Holy hell is it huge. I try to sign up for a 1-2 game but the lowest they are spreading is 2-5. I only had about 1k on me and didn't want to sit with 2 buy ins, so I decide to hit up some other casinos in the area. I just despise buying in to a game on a short stack. I decide to take a taxi over to the Palms, where they have one table of 1-2NL going. So obv I leave there and go to Gold Coast, which also is only spreading one game of 1-2. So I finally decide fuck it I'll go short stack 2-5NL which I really dont want to do, but have no choice if I want to play.
So I sit in with my 40BB's (200$) and proceed to play very tight for a while. I ran ok but couldnt get involved in too many pots. After about 2 hours I'm down to 175 and i pick up QQ UTG+1 and raise to 20. After 1 fold I get raised to 55 and everyone folds to me. I get a nasty feeling that he has AA but for 35BB's I decided im going to go with that hand post flop so I call.
Flop J 3 4 dd
I check
Villain checks
Turn 6d
I check
Villain bets 100
I shove for my remaining 20 and he calls
Tables AA
river 9d
I check my queens to see if either was a diamond but those bitches were black. Good game.
I meet back up with the guys at the booth, tell them I lost and didn't feel like playing 2-5 anymore and I'm gonna head back to my room. I strike up a conversation with Townsend before I leave though and we begin talking about a coaching session that the guys are going to do for me. We try to set up a time and I tell them Im leaving saturday morning, and Townsend is playing in the WSOP main event on Friday all day. He decides we should do it right then and there. He says lets go back to my room and well get this going. I happily agree and we head back to the Bellagio. It was really cool to just hang with him for a little while and talk. He really is a cool and down to earth guy. Most people with the kind of money that he has are arrogant and snotty but he was a very cool and relaxed guy.
So when we get to his room I fire up 3 tables and begin to play. I play pretty tight and while hes sitting behind me watching I fold a K7s from MP in a 6max game. He tells me I should be raising this hand and I'm in shock because its just a looser style then Im used to playing. Anyhow we discuss some strategy and he gives me some great advice, which leads to some great calls. I make one sick value overbet all in against a 64/0 fish with the flopped nuts, and he tells me I should have just valuebet him there smaller. I bet about 100BBs into 70. I tell him I'm pretty sure this guy will call with any piece here because of previous hands that we have played this session. Here's the hand.
Full Tilt Poker - No Limit Hold'em Cash Game - $0.50/$1 Blinds - 5 Players - (
SB: $132.70
Hero (BB): $136.70
UTG: $98.00
CO: $366.60
BTN: $121.20
CO posts $1.00
Preflop: Hero is dealt 5c 4s (5 Players)
UTG calls $1.00, CO checks, BTN folds, SB calls $0.50, Hero checks
Flop: ($4) 3h 6h 2d (4 Players)
SB checks, Hero bets $4.50, UTG folds, CO calls $4.50, SB folds
Turn: ($13) Kc (2 Players)
Hero checks, CO bets $7.00, Hero raises to $32.00, CO calls $25.00
River: ($77) 4d (2 Players)
Hero bets all-in for $99.20, CO calls $99.20
Pot Size: $275.40 ($3 Rake)
CO had 3c Kd (two pair, Kings and Threes) and LOST (-$136.70)
Hero had 5c 4s (a straight, Six high) and WON (+$136.20)
I just knew the guy was going to call me super light here even if I made a massive overbet like this. Brain commended me on the play. Awesome feeling =) =) =)
So I end our session while trying to get some more last pointers. He tells me I have a solid game and he'd like to see me be more aggressive. I had thought I had been super aggressive this session and upon checking my stats I ran 23/20/6, which I personally feel is a bit much for 100NL. But im going to toy around with it. I try to run between 17/15/3 and 19/17/4 and these stats have given me the most success. So we end the session there and I'm down just a little bit which was ok considering I started the session down about 2.5 buy ins (250$).

I go head back to my hotel now and get ready for the CR/Bluff magazine party. I had a few of the guys from 2+2 head over to the Rio earlier to meet up with me and get passes to the party as well.
In the meantime I ordered a nice meal from room service. Awesome burger and a bowl of soup. also 34$ but still very tasty and filling.
I head over to the party around 10:15. Its open bar till 12 so I proceed to pound as many drinks as possible. I think the vodka somehow was about 12% alcohol because I wasnt too drunk after 12 drinks in a hour and a half period.
While there Ezra introduces me to the infamous tuff_fish. He is an internet player who would make some pretty hilaorious poker videos of himself playing and when he lost he would be very vulgar on the video. His plays for the most part were pretty horrific. If you are curious just search tuff fish in Me and the guys I met up with from 2+2 hang out with him all night.
Me and tuff_fish

All the people I meet up with leave the party to head to a club and I decide instead of paying 10$ for a beer and 9$ for a bottle of water I'll head to the MGM for some late night 1-2 and lots of jager.
I play pretty loose here and run pretty well also, until I flop trips with 96cc and get runner runner flushed on a Q66 board by KQ, but I fold to her river bet and seeing how tight of a player this lady was it was evident I was beat. She would never bet a board with 4 hearts if she in fact didn't have one herself. So I manage to squeeze out a small 40$ profit and head back to the hotel.
I also had some friends come up from Arizona that night so we could spend the next day out doing stuff. They ended up in California after taking a wrong turn which allowed me to play poker till 4:30 am and they arrived at 5am.
This is the last post I will do today. There is a little more left and hopefully I will get to it tomorrow.
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