I was in the zone last night. I wanted to even make some -EV calls because I just had the instinct that I was going to get there. Of course I didn't make -EV calls because I'm no donkey, and of course I would have gotten there!
Anyways I ran sick hot, flopped a set and was able to check raise and take down a nice pot. Flopped a boat with JJ was led into, I called, was raised behind, and I call again. Check check the turn, and led river for 75 and was paid off. Rivered a boat with KK on JJ4Q board and got paid off on the river. Had A10 suited shoved into me when I held KK and 3 bet him preflop from the BB. KK held up. I also had a few hands I felt like playing but didn't because of the -EV but the gambling in that exact instance would have paid off.
I did make one pretty poor fold with Aces (again) but I felt I was either behind or was going to face a big river bet leaving me with a marginal river call. The flop was Q high with 2 hearts and I'm sandwiched between two players. Check, I bet 32 into ~48 and both call. Turn is a Q and we go check check and last guy bets 40. One fold and I start to think, why would he lead so weak, into 2 other players when top card paired. I really felt I was beat here. Plus if I just call the 40 what size bet am I going to face on the river, and what river is a safe call... I folded face up and he started smirking and so did a few others at the table. He said I wouldnt believe him if he had said what he had after the hand was over. So he either had a silly bluff, or he had a monster like QQ. On the ride home it hit me and I really think he had the same hand as me, AA and was just slowplying preflop and on the flop. Meh
Anyhow, it felt nice to get there a few times after the poor session on Monday. Net $297 in just under 4 hours.
I'm in class now and just finished a quiz that I think I got a 90 on. I'll probably get the score in a few minutes and find out it was more like a 60.
Live 2567
Online 3480
(damn I really need to start playing online more)
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Bad night
I ran like diarrhea tonight at the casino. Shitty and sloppy. One decent pot I flopped trips weak kicker and ran into trips K kicker. Every bluff I made was picked off. When I was bluffed I folded the best hand. Very frustrating night to say the least. -364. Tonight sucked and I was tired, but the table was full of moronic people too making me even more frustrated and keep me off my A game.
I bought a new computer desk last week but I have nowhere to put it. I guess I'm going to have to move some stuff around in my room so I can fit it. It's pretty big so we'll see what happens.
I'm only working one day a week at my waitering job now which is great because I really need the extra time to study. I think it will help my poker too because I won't be cramming in quick sessions whenever I can. Hopefully I'll be more rested which will make each session that much better.
Online 3480
Live 2270
I bought a new computer desk last week but I have nowhere to put it. I guess I'm going to have to move some stuff around in my room so I can fit it. It's pretty big so we'll see what happens.
I'm only working one day a week at my waitering job now which is great because I really need the extra time to study. I think it will help my poker too because I won't be cramming in quick sessions whenever I can. Hopefully I'll be more rested which will make each session that much better.
Online 3480
Live 2270
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Trip after trip
Well I've been back to the casino a few times in the past few days. I went Sunday night, Monday night and tonight as well. Between Sunday and Monday I ended up down 1$ and tonight for a quick 2 and a half hour session squeezed out 61$
Sunday night I played a hand which I misplayed and should have shoved all in and If I do the I have a new biggest pot at 877.
My image is tight and by far the tightest at the table. The table is loose and we see small raises frequently.
My stack, 323
UTG limps
UTG+1 limps
UTG+2 limps
MP1 raises to 6
Hero has AS
H and raises to 31
MP3 folds
CO calls
Button folds
SB folds
BB calls
UTG calls
UTG+1 folds
UTG+2 calls
MP1 folds
5 handed to the flop (164)
flop Qs 10
c 7s 
BB checks
UTG checks
UTG+2 bets 75
Hero calls
CO folds
BB calls leaving himself 55$ behind
UTG folds
Turn (389)
BB checks
UTG+2 insta shoves
Hero folds
BB calls
River (499)
UTG+2 shows Ks Js
BB shows 88 and scoops the pot with an underpair. UTG+2 was a decent player and i thought he was strong enough by betting the turn knowing the other guy was going to call that my aces were no good at that point. Boy was I wrong. It took me a while to fold there and after some discussion it seems like pushing the flop is best. While I somewhat disagree against this exact player because of how I perceived him. Even if I shove he undoubtedly calls where I only have 55% equity against his hand. If he calls after I push the flop this is the highest equity I could possibly have because from watching him play I know he never calls a shove on that flop with one pair or a hand that I am a substantial favorite. Tough one for me.
School is going to start getting tough. Lots of exams are right around the corner so I have to get my ass in gear and start studying.
I'm going to take some of my winnings from poker and start investing it. Since I'm a finance major it makes sense and will force me to keep up on what's going on in the financial world instead of just studying my texts. Hopefully I can pick a few winning stocks and make a nice little profit during my trial.
Live 2636 ( another 50 transfer to a friend )
Online 3480
Sunday night I played a hand which I misplayed and should have shoved all in and If I do the I have a new biggest pot at 877.
My image is tight and by far the tightest at the table. The table is loose and we see small raises frequently.
My stack, 323
UTG limps
UTG+1 limps
UTG+2 limps
MP1 raises to 6
Hero has AS

MP3 folds
CO calls
Button folds
SB folds
BB calls
UTG calls
UTG+1 folds
UTG+2 calls
MP1 folds
5 handed to the flop (164)
flop Qs 10

BB checks
UTG checks
UTG+2 bets 75
Hero calls
CO folds
BB calls leaving himself 55$ behind
UTG folds
Turn (389)

BB checks
UTG+2 insta shoves
Hero folds
BB calls
River (499)
UTG+2 shows Ks Js
BB shows 88 and scoops the pot with an underpair. UTG+2 was a decent player and i thought he was strong enough by betting the turn knowing the other guy was going to call that my aces were no good at that point. Boy was I wrong. It took me a while to fold there and after some discussion it seems like pushing the flop is best. While I somewhat disagree against this exact player because of how I perceived him. Even if I shove he undoubtedly calls where I only have 55% equity against his hand. If he calls after I push the flop this is the highest equity I could possibly have because from watching him play I know he never calls a shove on that flop with one pair or a hand that I am a substantial favorite. Tough one for me.
School is going to start getting tough. Lots of exams are right around the corner so I have to get my ass in gear and start studying.
I'm going to take some of my winnings from poker and start investing it. Since I'm a finance major it makes sense and will force me to keep up on what's going on in the financial world instead of just studying my texts. Hopefully I can pick a few winning stocks and make a nice little profit during my trial.
Live 2636 ( another 50 transfer to a friend )
Online 3480
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Some people suck
People really annoy me sometimes. I had a class reunion to bartend tonight at work. They had a 3 hour open beer and wine bar. It really shocks me how some people can come to a bar/party with an open bar and not tip. About a 1/3 of the peoplpe didn't tip once all night. How stingy can you actually be.
We ended up still making decent money from the party but those people just ballfe the hell out of me.
I'll be heading down to Foxwoods tomorrow after I get out of work. I really need to quit my waitering job. Poker is too profitable plus working 6-7 days a week on top of full time school is leaving me with no time for school work. I can see myself falling behind already and we've only had 2 weeks. Hopefully we'll be real slow tomorrow and I can get alot of work done during the day there.
Next weekend I'll be in Manhattan on Saturday night for a buddy's party. Should be a crazy night and I'll be sure to post some pics.
Any live poker players check out this site and use this software to track your wins and losses. www.pokercharts.com. It is an awesome site. Check it out for yourself.
We ended up still making decent money from the party but those people just ballfe the hell out of me.
I'll be heading down to Foxwoods tomorrow after I get out of work. I really need to quit my waitering job. Poker is too profitable plus working 6-7 days a week on top of full time school is leaving me with no time for school work. I can see myself falling behind already and we've only had 2 weeks. Hopefully we'll be real slow tomorrow and I can get alot of work done during the day there.
Next weekend I'll be in Manhattan on Saturday night for a buddy's party. Should be a crazy night and I'll be sure to post some pics.
Any live poker players check out this site and use this software to track your wins and losses. www.pokercharts.com. It is an awesome site. Check it out for yourself.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Biggest pot ever to date
So I decided to hit up Foxwoods for a few hours tonight since I don't have to work till 11 am tomorrow. When I got down there they opened up a new table for us.
I soon find out that there is one crazy loose player at the table. About 4 hands in he opens for 20$ in late position. I'm on the button with AQ off suit. I call. Flop K 10 4 all clubs he checks, and I look back at my hand to see what I have for clubs, I have the Q of clubs. I check behind. Turn is the A of clubs. I have the nuts. He bets out 30 and I just call him to try and get more on the river. The river comes the Q of hearts and he bets 30 again and I raise to 80. He calls quickly with the J of clubs.
The next hand it limps in a few spots to me and I have JJ and raise to 16. I get 2 callers and the flop comes 984 with 2 spades. one check and crazy guy bets 30. I ask him what he has left and I go all in. One fold and he calls but doesn't turn his hand over. Turn is a K and river is the A of spades. He shows Q4 for bottom pair. Thanks buddy.
2 hands later the guy under the gun goes all in for 16. Loose guy just rebought for 100$ and raises it to 30. Folds to me and I have AK off suit. I go all in and it folds to loose guy who calls. UTG has A2 and crazy guy had A3. Flop J72 (2 diamonds) turn 5 (diamonds so i have the nut flush draw) river 4. Crazy guy back doored the wheel on me for a 220$ pot.
So a few hands go by and I'm back in early position and look down at 89 of clubs. A few limps to me and I limp as well. A guy in late position raises to 15 and there are a few callers so I call as well as do a lot of others. We go 8 handed to the flop
Flop Jh 10s 7s ($120)
Boom the nuts!!! One guy checks and crazy guy leads out for 30. I raise the pot (210) The guy to my left tanks for a while and finally calls off his stack of 140$. One fold and the next guy starts tanking as well. He calls off his stack as well 213$ and it folds to the crazy guy who starts tanking as well. He shows his hand to the kid next to him and folds.
Turn ($713) Jd
River ($713) Qh
I'm sick as the Jack hits the turn but no one turns their hand up. I had mine face up since the action ended. Finally the guy to my left shows J8 of spades for flopped top pair + gut shot + flush draw, and he turned a boat draw, phew. The other guy shows A3 of spades for the nut flush draw and I scoop the 713$ pot. SHIP SHIP.
The kid who hte crazy guy showed his cards to says to me buy you're lucky he folded. He had J10 for top 2 pair, so he would have hit the nut full house on the turn and I would have been out of that one. Case jack on the turn. I don't know how he folded it but I'm sure glad he did. He said later his reasoning was that he thought the spade was going to hit and beat him on a later street. Nothing like a guy who thinks he has the best hand but folds because he scared of cards to come while he's getting a great price. But still not to mention that he didn't even ponder the fact that he might have been behind. He just said I thought the flush was going to come. Man what a donkey.
So I only stay an hour and a half and end up a nice 660$ Nice comeback from the other night.
Online 3521
Live 2528
I soon find out that there is one crazy loose player at the table. About 4 hands in he opens for 20$ in late position. I'm on the button with AQ off suit. I call. Flop K 10 4 all clubs he checks, and I look back at my hand to see what I have for clubs, I have the Q of clubs. I check behind. Turn is the A of clubs. I have the nuts. He bets out 30 and I just call him to try and get more on the river. The river comes the Q of hearts and he bets 30 again and I raise to 80. He calls quickly with the J of clubs.
The next hand it limps in a few spots to me and I have JJ and raise to 16. I get 2 callers and the flop comes 984 with 2 spades. one check and crazy guy bets 30. I ask him what he has left and I go all in. One fold and he calls but doesn't turn his hand over. Turn is a K and river is the A of spades. He shows Q4 for bottom pair. Thanks buddy.
2 hands later the guy under the gun goes all in for 16. Loose guy just rebought for 100$ and raises it to 30. Folds to me and I have AK off suit. I go all in and it folds to loose guy who calls. UTG has A2 and crazy guy had A3. Flop J72 (2 diamonds) turn 5 (diamonds so i have the nut flush draw) river 4. Crazy guy back doored the wheel on me for a 220$ pot.
So a few hands go by and I'm back in early position and look down at 89 of clubs. A few limps to me and I limp as well. A guy in late position raises to 15 and there are a few callers so I call as well as do a lot of others. We go 8 handed to the flop
Flop Jh 10s 7s ($120)
Boom the nuts!!! One guy checks and crazy guy leads out for 30. I raise the pot (210) The guy to my left tanks for a while and finally calls off his stack of 140$. One fold and the next guy starts tanking as well. He calls off his stack as well 213$ and it folds to the crazy guy who starts tanking as well. He shows his hand to the kid next to him and folds.
Turn ($713) Jd
River ($713) Qh
I'm sick as the Jack hits the turn but no one turns their hand up. I had mine face up since the action ended. Finally the guy to my left shows J8 of spades for flopped top pair + gut shot + flush draw, and he turned a boat draw, phew. The other guy shows A3 of spades for the nut flush draw and I scoop the 713$ pot. SHIP SHIP.
The kid who hte crazy guy showed his cards to says to me buy you're lucky he folded. He had J10 for top 2 pair, so he would have hit the nut full house on the turn and I would have been out of that one. Case jack on the turn. I don't know how he folded it but I'm sure glad he did. He said later his reasoning was that he thought the spade was going to hit and beat him on a later street. Nothing like a guy who thinks he has the best hand but folds because he scared of cards to come while he's getting a great price. But still not to mention that he didn't even ponder the fact that he might have been behind. He just said I thought the flush was going to come. Man what a donkey.
So I only stay an hour and a half and end up a nice 660$ Nice comeback from the other night.
Online 3521
Live 2528
Monday, September 10, 2007
Played a session last night and squeezed out a small 61$ profit, all after flopping the nut straight, beating someone with flush over flush, and getting paid on quads. Needless to say I ran pretty poorly.
I decided to go back down tonight since the rest of my week is pretty busy with school and work. Early on I complete my SB with 10 2 offsuit and we go 7 handed to the flop. 10 3 2 with 2 spades. I lead for 14 folds to the CO who raises 25 on top. I make it 114$ and he shoves. I call my last 65 I have behind and he flopped a set of 3's. I don't hit a 10. Then I ran super poor and lost AK to Q3 KQ to 109 and so on and so forth. Needless to say it was a bad night. down 388 and def made some very marginal probably tilt induced calls.
I was due for a losing session I suppose.
I'll be back down there Sunday night.
Online 3521
Live 1868
I decided to go back down tonight since the rest of my week is pretty busy with school and work. Early on I complete my SB with 10 2 offsuit and we go 7 handed to the flop. 10 3 2 with 2 spades. I lead for 14 folds to the CO who raises 25 on top. I make it 114$ and he shoves. I call my last 65 I have behind and he flopped a set of 3's. I don't hit a 10. Then I ran super poor and lost AK to Q3 KQ to 109 and so on and so forth. Needless to say it was a bad night. down 388 and def made some very marginal probably tilt induced calls.
I was due for a losing session I suppose.
I'll be back down there Sunday night.
Online 3521
Live 1868
Saturday, September 8, 2007
So damn tired.
I feel so exhausted lately. Between working my two jobs, school, and poker I'm getting pretty run down. Thursday one of my friends turned 21 so we went out and partied hard all night. Friday I was an hour late to work, out in 4 and a half hours and couldn't even find the motivation to drive to the casino. I really think I need to ;et my waitering job go. Then my weekends would be freed up for maximum poker.
School seems like it's going to be pretty cool. I'm taking 3 finance classes and one econ class. The classes don't seem like they will be hard or time consuming but I think that I am goin to learn alot this semester.
And it looks like I'm still going to be stuck at home for the time being. The guys I was planning on moving in with, one decided that 3 people would be too many. The other one still wants me to move in so he's trying to coax the other guy in slowly to letting me move in. It doesn't really matter much to me either way. If I don't move in i save money I would have spent each month while being in school that I should have saved to pay student loans and such. So unballer.
I'm really feeling the need to travel. My girlfriend lived in Florida for a year and worked for Disney. They allow someone to stay a seasonal worker which means she has to work a total of 2 shifts each year. I'm hoping to go down there soon so she can work and I can get out of CT for a little while. I really like it down there and downtown Orlando is an AWESOME time. Also Florida just legalized no limit poker so while shes at work during the day I can take the rental to Tampa and hit up Hard Rock for some action.
Aside from traveling there I've been thinking about heading down to Atlantic City for a weekend. The games down there are great. I've been once and it was so much softer then Foxwoods games, however I may have just been lucky with a good table.
I keep slacking with the updates but I'm going to try and focus and put one up every day or so. It's just been tough with the busy schedule.
On that note I think I'll go to bed. I'm going to try and get a quick 9 holes in before work tomorrow morning then it's off to the casino all night.
Online 3521
Live 2195
School seems like it's going to be pretty cool. I'm taking 3 finance classes and one econ class. The classes don't seem like they will be hard or time consuming but I think that I am goin to learn alot this semester.
And it looks like I'm still going to be stuck at home for the time being. The guys I was planning on moving in with, one decided that 3 people would be too many. The other one still wants me to move in so he's trying to coax the other guy in slowly to letting me move in. It doesn't really matter much to me either way. If I don't move in i save money I would have spent each month while being in school that I should have saved to pay student loans and such. So unballer.
I'm really feeling the need to travel. My girlfriend lived in Florida for a year and worked for Disney. They allow someone to stay a seasonal worker which means she has to work a total of 2 shifts each year. I'm hoping to go down there soon so she can work and I can get out of CT for a little while. I really like it down there and downtown Orlando is an AWESOME time. Also Florida just legalized no limit poker so while shes at work during the day I can take the rental to Tampa and hit up Hard Rock for some action.
Aside from traveling there I've been thinking about heading down to Atlantic City for a weekend. The games down there are great. I've been once and it was so much softer then Foxwoods games, however I may have just been lucky with a good table.
I keep slacking with the updates but I'm going to try and focus and put one up every day or so. It's just been tough with the busy schedule.
On that note I think I'll go to bed. I'm going to try and get a quick 9 holes in before work tomorrow morning then it's off to the casino all night.
Online 3521
Live 2195
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Back on the boat.
I finally played an online session!!!!! It feels like it's been forever since I played last. It actually has been a long time. With the exception of one quick coaching session I did for a friend I haven't played online poker since July 26th. I played about 135 hands and made 150$
Live poker has been going well still also. I went 6 times in 9 days. In those days I am up 670$. Ship Ship.
I hopefully will be moving out of my house soon. My probably roommates are discussing it tonight and hopefully they agree that they want me to move in.
Live poker has been going well still also. I went 6 times in 9 days. In those days I am up 670$. Ship Ship.
I hopefully will be moving out of my house soon. My probably roommates are discussing it tonight and hopefully they agree that they want me to move in.
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