Sunday night I played a hand which I misplayed and should have shoved all in and If I do the I have a new biggest pot at 877.
My image is tight and by far the tightest at the table. The table is loose and we see small raises frequently.
My stack, 323
UTG limps
UTG+1 limps
UTG+2 limps
MP1 raises to 6
Hero has AS

MP3 folds
CO calls
Button folds
SB folds
BB calls
UTG calls
UTG+1 folds
UTG+2 calls
MP1 folds
5 handed to the flop (164)
flop Qs 10

BB checks
UTG checks
UTG+2 bets 75
Hero calls
CO folds
BB calls leaving himself 55$ behind
UTG folds
Turn (389)

BB checks
UTG+2 insta shoves
Hero folds
BB calls
River (499)
UTG+2 shows Ks Js
BB shows 88 and scoops the pot with an underpair. UTG+2 was a decent player and i thought he was strong enough by betting the turn knowing the other guy was going to call that my aces were no good at that point. Boy was I wrong. It took me a while to fold there and after some discussion it seems like pushing the flop is best. While I somewhat disagree against this exact player because of how I perceived him. Even if I shove he undoubtedly calls where I only have 55% equity against his hand. If he calls after I push the flop this is the highest equity I could possibly have because from watching him play I know he never calls a shove on that flop with one pair or a hand that I am a substantial favorite. Tough one for me.
School is going to start getting tough. Lots of exams are right around the corner so I have to get my ass in gear and start studying.
I'm going to take some of my winnings from poker and start investing it. Since I'm a finance major it makes sense and will force me to keep up on what's going on in the financial world instead of just studying my texts. Hopefully I can pick a few winning stocks and make a nice little profit during my trial.
Live 2636 ( another 50 transfer to a friend )
Online 3480
1 comment:
Yea I call here all day with AA. You just got otuplayed you donkey.
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