Monday, September 24, 2007

Bad night

I ran like diarrhea tonight at the casino. Shitty and sloppy. One decent pot I flopped trips weak kicker and ran into trips K kicker. Every bluff I made was picked off. When I was bluffed I folded the best hand. Very frustrating night to say the least. -364. Tonight sucked and I was tired, but the table was full of moronic people too making me even more frustrated and keep me off my A game.

I bought a new computer desk last week but I have nowhere to put it. I guess I'm going to have to move some stuff around in my room so I can fit it. It's pretty big so we'll see what happens.

I'm only working one day a week at my waitering job now which is great because I really need the extra time to study. I think it will help my poker too because I won't be cramming in quick sessions whenever I can. Hopefully I'll be more rested which will make each session that much better.

Online 3480
Live 2270


Greg said...

I personally can say that some of my worst sessions are when I try to cram in some poker when I have little to no time available that week.

Its incredibly frustrating when you're playing and losing 1-2 buyins against some real live ones. Its a sick feeling, but its inevitable unfortunately. Theres little/nothing you can do, but I definetly can empathize with you here.

I just think of how easy it will be to reverse it the next session.

the machine said...

ain't that the truth. you should come ship it and holla with us tonight. 6pm.