So I'm playing a session at Foxwoods last night. 1-2 and I'm pretty card dead for the first 2 hours. The table is pretty calling stationish so I decided to play pretty TAG because people just aren't folding ace high.
A guy sits down a proceeds to play a sweet 90/50 style and I'm not unhappy being 2 to his left.
About an hour goes by and once again he raises to 12 after a few limpers. I call on the button with Q10o and one limper calls.
Flop (40) J 8 4 rainbow.
Sweet, I flopped 4 outs to the nuts. I bet 1st guy will check, and 90/50 will c-bet like he does every other time with any 2.
bet 25
I call
1 fold
Turn (90) K putting 2 hearts on the board.
Great card to bluff at, but hes so station like he will never fold a jack here (I had just pushed him out about 20 mins before in a big 3 bet hand where I actually had aces)
he checks,
I decide free card time and check
River 9 hearts putting a 3 flush on board but I have the nut straight.
he quickly fires 75
I feel hes on a steal or backdoored hearts. He hasn't been making thin value bets so I actually figured him for the nuts or nothing. i opted to just call.
He shows 99 and my hand is good.
Begin berating.
"You [censored] donkey. What the [censored] did you call me on the flop with. A [censored] gutshot. You [censored] suck. You are the biggest fish in this game. Calls with a gutshot, un [censored] beliveable."
Me "Well I actually had 8 outs and what I thought was 4 to the nuts so I also have some impiled odds too" (dumb thing to say)
"IMPLIED ODDS, yeah whatever, you dont know what the [censored] you are talking about. You [censored] donkey. Enjoy your stack while you have it cause youll be broke soon. I dont even know why I'm trying to educate you. I'm not going to help the fish at the table. Queen [censored] Ten. You suck at poker."
Me "Ok buddy well see."
one hand goes by during all of this which I fold.
Next hand he throws out a straddle very forcefully. He hasn't straddled yet all session.
Me :lauging: "I got him on tilt, look hes on tilt. so great."
"I'm not on tilt, us good players dont go on tilt like you donkeys. Where I learned to play poker we dont go on tilt, we just get mad and kick peoples heads in"
I'm laughing inside now
2 folds to me, and what a great time to pick up Aces.
raise to 24
short stack calls
straddle calls out of spite. I know he wants to bust me.
Flop Q 8 3 (75$) (2 diamonds)
he checks
I bet 50
shorty folds
he tanks and finally says, "well just incase" and throws in 50
I puke here and have a good feeling I might be behind
Turn (175$) 5
he checks
I know the money is going in so I just bet 75
he shoves after 10 seconds or so.
I puke and think I'm beat. I table my hand and he sees it and says nothing, just looks towards the middle. After about a minute I finally call and he doesn't table his hand.
River (825$) Q
he is motionless.
Me " did you get me on the river"
him " "
Me "am I good? [pause] am I good?"
villain mucks.
SHIP sir. Thank you for your stack. My buddy is directly to his left and his GF is behind him and saw his hole cards.
83 no good sir. Thank you for playing and calling 6x straddle raise with 83 off.
Good Game.
It comes off kind of dick, but all that stuff at the end I didn't say to him, it's just what I was thinking at the time. I played them kinda poorly, seeing as I should have raised the river in hand one, but being on a downswing will make you play poorly at times, and given hand one I think I have to go broke in hand two. There is no way I can fold after what has happened but I also think betting the turn is a pretty big mistake given his comments on the flop. He was pulling the old, act weak which is really strong. But luckily the hands worked out for me.
Online has been awesome this month so far. I'm running at 10PTBB/100 for a few thousand hands, which isn't much but I feel I'm playing very well and running well too.
Live 1784
Online 3876
Nice job I hope I can get my roll up in live again .
came across your blog while surfing. I live in Portland as well. Host a good size hold 'em tourney there a couple of times a year. Get anywhere between 65-90 players. Post your e-mail if interested.
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