Saturday, November 17, 2007

Cant get it going

Had another bad session last night. I was totally card dead and the table was playing very loose so there was no chance of me being able to make a play on anyone. I basically call-folded my way down to -300 then played a hand where i had K9hh on the button, 7 handed preflop, with 350$ in the pot preflop. Flop KK2 rainbow and I scoop and end up +15 for the session.

I'm heading to Rhode Island tomorrow for an online session with some friends from 2+2 then I'll be back at Foxwoods in the early evening.


Greg said...

Was good times getting together with everyone to play.

What I think we missed completely was reviewing each others game. I guess that would be good for next time though.

I think your upswing is due before the new year fwiw

Unknown said...

Yo man we gotta rent a room again near foxwoods, hopefully we'll both win. If you play poker online at the hotel I will sweat you but not if your sweaty.