Saturday, September 15, 2007

Some people suck

People really annoy me sometimes. I had a class reunion to bartend tonight at work. They had a 3 hour open beer and wine bar. It really shocks me how some people can come to a bar/party with an open bar and not tip. About a 1/3 of the peoplpe didn't tip once all night. How stingy can you actually be.

We ended up still making decent money from the party but those people just ballfe the hell out of me.

I'll be heading down to Foxwoods tomorrow after I get out of work. I really need to quit my waitering job. Poker is too profitable plus working 6-7 days a week on top of full time school is leaving me with no time for school work. I can see myself falling behind already and we've only had 2 weeks. Hopefully we'll be real slow tomorrow and I can get alot of work done during the day there.

Next weekend I'll be in Manhattan on Saturday night for a buddy's party. Should be a crazy night and I'll be sure to post some pics.

Any live poker players check out this site and use this software to track your wins and losses. It is an awesome site. Check it out for yourself.

1 comment:

Chip's Church Chat said...

Sorry about the tippage; it doesn't represent all people. Glad you clarified "some people".

Aye, they say in poker all you need is "a chip and a chair" to win big. I hope that pittance of tips buys you a good chip and brings a fortune so you can go back to that bar, tip the bartender well, and snub those regulars.

Hope I see you on the World Poke Tour or World Series. I’m a big fan.