Saturday, December 29, 2007

200NL sucks

I finally played a session today and I ran pretty poor and made a few mistakes. Overall I think it's just varience but I will be dropping back down to 100NL now to rebuild for a while. I'm down to 3100.

We have been doing a lot in Switzerland. I've visited a bunch of cities so far and tomorrow were taking a panoramic train from Montreux to Interlaken. Should be a good time. It's also my birthday tomorrow so I'll probably drink a lot throughout the day. For new years we have a hotel in Geneva for the night so I'll probably party pretty hard then too. Good thing I'll be busy so I can't tilt off my money online. So far I'm - 700 at 200NL over 2000 hands. Pretty gross.

Thats about it because poker sucks right now.

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