Friday, December 21, 2007

Its all over

School is finally done. I'm so very happy about that. No more classes to worry about for a month.

Poker has been unkind to me lately. I took my first shot at 200NL and ran pretty poor. I managed to get 2 large pocket pairs all in against overpairs for 100BB's each but given the circumstances they both ended up being totally standard plays so I'm not unhappy with my play in either of them. I'm playing fairly well at the new limit and if I had to rate my game I think I'm playing about a B game. There is room for improvement but I feel I've been playing solid poker for the most part. Over 1000 hands I'm down 350$ which isn't horrible but it can be disheartening when first taking a shot at a higher limit. One thing I need to focus on a lot is game selection. There are still plenty of bad players at this limit and I need to make a conscious effort to find them and leave games that are unprofitable. But its been tough having no database to find the players. The level jump has some differences and you can tell that the regular players are by far better players then at 100NL.

I have a lot of cleaning and packing to do before my trip. I leave in 2 days and I can't wait to experience Europe. My next few updates will be about that, but I will be trying to get in as much poker as possible.

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